Name | NIAES 1km grid meteorological data in Hokuriku, Japan |
Metadata Identifier | JP_NIAES_MetData_1kmMesh_Hokuriku20230727072445-DIAS20221121113753-en |
Name | Dr. Tsuneo Kuwagata |
Organization | National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences |
Address | 3-1-3 Kanondai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, 305-8604, Japan |
TEL | +81-29-838-8202 |
FAX | +81-29-838-8211 | |
Name | Dr. Yasushi Ishigooka |
Organization | National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences |
Address | 3-1-3 Kanondai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, 305-8604, Japan |
TEL | +81-29-838-8202 |
FAX | +81-29-838-8211 | |
Name | Dr. Tsuneo Kuwagata |
Organization | National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences | |
Name | Dr. Yasushi Ishigooka |
Organization | National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences | |
Name | Dr. Tsuneo Kuwagata |
Organization | National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences | |
Name | Dr. Yasushi Ishigooka |
Organization | National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences | |
Daily 1km grid meteorological data for Hokuriku district of Japan.
Variables: Daily mean/maximum/minimum air temperature, precipitation, sun-shine duration, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed
This dataset is interpolated from daily AMeDAS observational station data by applying a reversed-distance weighing method to the deviations from the long-term averages of 1km grid data. The 1km grid data were interpolated from daily obaservational station data by using a multiple-regression model.
Begin Date | 1978-01-01 |
End Date | Under Continuation |
Temporal Characteristics | Daily |
North bound latitude | 40 |
West bound longitude | 135 |
Eastbound longitude | 140 |
South bound latitude | 35 |
Dimension Name | Dimension Size (slice number of the dimension) | Resolution Unit |
column | 0.0125 (deg) | |
row | 0.008333 (deg) |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | Surface Air Temperature, Surface Humidity, Surface Radiation Budget, Surface Wind Speed, Precipitation | GEO_COP |
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Whenever this data set is used for any academic presentations, and any publication of scientific results, the author(s) shall specify the following acknowledgement.
"Seino, Hiroshi, 1993, An estimation of distribution of meteorological elements usging GIS and AMeDAS data. J. Agr. Met. Japan, 48, 379-383.".
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