Name | Satellite Dataset for land data assimilation (ALOS > PALSAR) |
Metadata Identifier | ALOS_PALSAR_ORTHO_Rivers20230727092607-en |
Name | JAXA DIAS representative |
Organization | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) |
Address | 2-1-1, Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8505, Japan |
TEL | +81 50 3362 3064 |
dias at ml dot jaxa dot jp |
Name | JAXA DIAS representative |
Organization | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) |
dias at ml dot jaxa dot jp |
Name | JAXA DIAS representative |
Organization | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) |
dias at ml dot jaxa dot jp |
This data set is time sries of radar images of major river basin in South Ease Asia, which are produced for land data assimilation. They were observed by PALSAR mounted on ALOS that was developed by JAXA. The data consists of orthorectified gamma-naught images with and without slope-correction and local incidence angle (θlocal) images processed by Sigma-SAR.
The digital number (DN) of the image can be converted to the Normalized Radar Cross Section (gamma-naught, sigma-naught) using the following equation,
Gamma-naught (dB) = 10*log10(DN^2)-83,
Sigma-naught = Gamma-naught*cos(θlocal).
North bound latitude | 34.5 |
West bound longitude | 69 |
Eastbound longitude | 121.5 |
South bound latitude | -8.4 |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | Earth Observation Satellites > ALOS | GCMD_platform |
theme | Disasters, Water | GEOSS |
[Data format]: Geotiff [Filename rules]: Orthocorrected image: yyyymmdd_AAAA_BBBDDD_E_FFFFFF_GG.tif Orthocorrected and slope-corrected image: yyyymmdd_AAAA_BBBDDD_E_FFFFFF_sl_GG.tif Local incidence angle image: yyyymmdd_AAAA_BBBDDD_E_FFFFFF_linci.tif yyyymmdd: Observation date AAAA: Satellite name 'ALOS1':ALOS-1 'ALOS2':ALOS-2 BBB: Beam Mode 'FBD': Fine Beam Dual (ALOS-1) 'WB1': ScanSAR nominal mode (ALOS-1) 'WBD': Wide Beam Dual (ALOS-2) DDD: Off-nadir angle E : Ascending/Descending 'A':Ascending orbit 'D':Descending orbit FFFFFF: RSP path number [Radiometric conversion]: Digital Number (DN) is converted to gamma-naught by the following equation. Gamma-naught (dB) = 10*alog10(DN^2)-83.