Name | ALOS PALSAR dataset |
Metadata Identifier | ALOS_PALSAR20230727082248-en |
The Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) is an active microwave sensor using L-band frequency to achieve cloud-free and day-and-night land observation. It provides higher performance than theJERS-1's synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Fine resolution in a conventional mode, but PALSAR will have another advantageous observation mode. ScanSAR, which will enable us to acquire a 250 to 350km width of SAR images (depending on the number of scans) at the expense of spatial resolution. This swath is three to five times wider than conventional SAR images. The development of the PALSAR is a joint project between JAXA and the Japan Space Systems.
North bound latitude | 90 |
West bound longitude | -180 |
Eastbound longitude | 180 |
South bound latitude | -90 |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | Land Surface > Erosion/Sedimentation > Landslides, Land Surface > Soils > Soil Moisture/Water Content, Land Surface > Surface Radiative Properties > Reflectance, Land Surface > Topography > Landforms, Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Backscatter, Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Reflectivity, Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Imagery, Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Return Power, Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Sensor Counts | GCMD_science |
JAXA ALOS User Interface Gateway (AUIG) (Products order is available only for JAXA research project members). :
There are following processing levels.
[Level 1.0 The data of 1 scene area is extracted from received data.
Data type is 8 bit.
The number of SAR data files is the same as the number of polarizations in the case of dual polarization and polarimetry modes.
The data in SCAN SAR mode is not divided into individual scans.
[Level 1.1]
Range compression and 1 look azimuth compression are performed.
Data is complex data on the slant range coordinate.
The phase history is included.
[Level 1.5]
After range and multi-look azimuth compression are performed,radiometric and geometric corrections are performed according to the map projection.
Pixel spacing can be selected for the Fine mode.